An international group of 11 males in two 4x4 vehicles arrive at Solomon Forest Campground via north side road entry for a weekend camp in this Australian rainforest with a gentle rocky creek separating south side base camp and north camp entry and parking area. The campers bathe and gather along the northern bank on a slight hill through forest to north camp along 3 minutes of walking track. South camp is slightly further where Christian the camp leader is, who has been living there in tents for 8 years. The 11 makes are visiting for a full moon in summer. Christian has a patreon members site with naturist videos on the internet, these are the Weekend Visitor Pass members who are visiting.

The sun was setting behind the dense canopy of trees, casting a golden hue over the Solomon Forest Campground as the two 4x4 vehicles rumbled down the north side road entry. Eleven men, from different parts of the world, had come together for a weekend camp in the Australian rainforest. They were all members of Christian's patreon site, Weekend Visitor Pass, where he shared exclusive naturist videos of his life in the forest. As the vehicles pulled up to the parking area on the northern bank of the campground, the men hopped out, breathing in the fresh, earthy scent of the forest. The sounds of the gentle rocky creek that separated the south side base camp from the north camp entry filled the air, a soothing melody that welcomed them to their temporary home in nature. Christian, the camp leader, emerged from one of the tents set up on the south side of the creek, a warm smile on his face as he greeted the newcomers. He had been living in the forest for eight years, finding solace and peace in the wilderness that surrounded him. His easy demeanor put the men at ease as he led them along a winding walking track through the forest to the north camp. The group settled in quickly, setting up their tents and gathering around a crackling campfire under the starlit sky. The men shared stories of their lives, bonding over their mutual love for nature and the freedom it brought them. Christian shared tales of his time in the forest, of the animals he had encountered and the secrets he had uncovered in the depths of the rainforest. As the full moon rose high in the sky, bathing the campground in silver light, the men stripped off their clothes and waded into the cool waters of the creek. Laughter and chatter filled the air as they splashed and swam, reveling in the freedom of being naked in nature. The moonlight illuminated their bare bodies, casting shadows that danced across the rocks and trees. The fire crackled and popped, casting flickering shadows around the clearing as the men dried off and gathered around in a circle. Christian led them in a chant, a simple melody that seemed to resonate with the very soul of the forest. The men joined in, their voices blending together in a harmonious chorus that seemed to reverberate through the trees. As the night wore on, the men sat around the campfire, sharing stories and laughter late into the night. The warmth of the fire mixed with the cool breeze that rustled through the trees, creating a perfect harmony of nature's elements. They felt a sense of camaraderie and connection that transcended language and culture, united in their love for the wilderness that surrounded them. In the early hours of the morning, as the first light of dawn began to filter through the trees, the men made their way back to their tents, exhausted but content. The sounds of the forest lulled them to sleep, a symphony of rustling leaves and chirping birds that seemed to serenade them into peaceful dreams. As the weekend came to a close, the men packed up their belongings and said their goodbyes to Christian, grateful for the experience of being in such a beautiful and serene place. They knew that they would carry the memories of their time in the rainforest with them always, a reminder of the connection they shared with each other and with the natural world. As the two 4x4 vehicles rumbled back down the north side road entry, the men looked out at the vast expanse of trees that stretched out before them. They knew that they would return one day, drawn back to the Solomon Forest Campground by the magic and beauty that awaited them in the heart of the Australian rainforest.