Tony is accidentally frozen cryogenically and ends up in the future like Fry in a (less-mature) version of Futurama.

Tony was a typical guy living in the year 2020. He worked a boring desk job, spent his weekends binge-watching TV shows, and had a small group of friends he would hang out with occasionally. He was content with his life, but always felt like there was something missing. One day, while visiting a science museum with his friends, Tony stumbled upon an exhibit showcasing the latest advancements in cryogenic freezing technology. Intrigued, he decided to give it a try and signed up to be frozen for a short period of time. Little did Tony know, the machine malfunctioned while he was inside, causing him to be frozen for much longer than originally planned. When he finally woke up, he found himself in a strange new world, completely different from the one he had left behind. As Tony stumbled out of the cryogenic chamber, he was greeted by a bustling city filled with flying cars, holographic billboards, and robots walking the streets. He quickly realized that he had been transported hundreds of years into the future. Confused and disoriented, Tony tried to make sense of his surroundings. He soon discovered that he was in a world where technology had advanced beyond his wildest dreams. Humans had colonized other planets, cured diseases that were once thought to be incurable, and had even achieved immortality through advanced medical procedures. As Tony wandered the streets of this futuristic city, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sights and sounds around him. Everything was so different from what he was used to, and he struggled to adjust to this new way of life. But as Tony explored more of this strange new world, he began to realize that there were still some things that hadn't changed. People still worked boring jobs, watched mindless TV shows, and hung out with friends just like he used to. It was a comforting realization for Tony, and he started to feel more at ease in this unfamiliar environment. As he tried to navigate his new life in the future, Tony found himself getting into all sorts of wacky adventures. From accidentally getting involved in a robot uprising to joining a futuristic version of a rock band, Tony's days were never boring. But through it all, Tony found himself making new friends and forming bonds that he never thought possible. Despite the differences in technology and culture, human connection was still the same in this future world. As time passed, Tony began to adapt to his new life in the future. He found a job that he enjoyed, made lasting friendships, and even found love with a robot he had met along the way. And as he reflected on his journey from the past to the future, Tony realized that sometimes, being thrown into the unknown can lead to amazing discoveries and experiences. He may have been accidentally frozen cryogenically, but he wouldn't change a thing about his journey to this new world. And as Tony looked out at the futuristic skyline, he knew that this was where he was meant to be. In a world filled with possibilities and adventures, Tony was ready to embrace his new life in the future like Fry in a less-mature version of Futurama.