Tell a story about monsters in preschool, like Super Monsters.

Once upon a time, in a small town nestled deep in the forest, there was a preschool like no other. This wasn't just any preschool - it was a school for monsters! The Little Monsters Preschool was a place where all kinds of little monsters gathered to learn, play, and make friends. The school was run by Miss Luna, a kind and gentle witch with a heart as big as her cauldron. She welcomed each little monster with open arms and made sure they felt safe and loved. The Little Monsters Preschool had a diverse group of students, each with their own unique abilities and quirks. There was Oliver, a playful little vampire who loved to fly around the classroom and sneak up on his friends. Then there was Rosie, a sweet little werewolf who had a keen sense of smell and could always sniff out where the snacks were hidden. And let's not forget about Zoe, a mischievous little ghost who loved to hide in the shadows and surprise her friends with ghostly pranks. The students at Little Monsters Preschool had a special bond, a camaraderie that transcended their differences. They played together, learned together, and even napped together. They were a tight-knit group, a little monster family. One day, a new student arrived at the preschool. His name was Max, and he was a shy little monster who had just moved to town from a far-off land. Max was a rare kind of monster - a dragon! His scales shimmered in the sunlight, and his fiery breath could light up a room. At first, Max felt out of place among his new classmates. He was different than the other monsters, and he was afraid they wouldn't accept him. But Miss Luna assured him that he was welcome at Little Monsters Preschool and encouraged him to make friends. Slowly but surely, Max began to come out of his shell. He showed off his fire-breathing skills during show-and-tell, and he even helped Rosie keep the classroom warm on chilly days. The other monsters quickly grew to love Max and welcomed him into their little monster family. As the school year went on, the students at Little Monsters Preschool faced all kinds of challenges. They had to navigate through the treacherous maze during recess, solve riddles in Professor Bat's math class, and even put on a spooky Halloween play for their parents. But through it all, the little monsters stuck together and supported each other. They learned the value of teamwork, friendship, and acceptance. And most importantly, they learned that being different was something to be celebrated, not feared. At the end of the school year, the students put on a special graduation ceremony for Miss Luna. They presented her with a handmade card, a bouquet of flowers, and a big group hug. Miss Luna's eyes twinkled with tears of pride as she looked out at her little monsters, all grown up and ready to take on the world. As the sun set over the forest, the little monsters said their goodbyes and headed off into the night, ready for new adventures and new challenges. But no matter where life took them, they knew they would always have the memories of their time at Little Monsters Preschool, a magical place where monsters of all shapes and sizes could come together and be themselves. And so, the legend of the Little Monsters Preschool lived on, a heartwarming tale of friendship, acceptance, and the power of being true to oneself. And who knows? Maybe one day, a new batch of little monsters would come along and continue the legacy, keeping the spirit of the school alive for generations to come.