She was only eight when it had happened when her parents had died and when she had been adopted into the assissins guild only eight when she became the best only eight when she was pressed to be better and better but that never stopped as eighteen year old Avery Jamel woke up she set out on her mission but while she was stalking her prey she was pulled into an alleyway and drugged so that she would fall asleep

She was only eight when it had happened, when her parents had died in a tragic car accident. Lost and alone in the world, she was taken in by the most unlikely of guardians - the assassins guild. They saw potential in her, even at such a young age. They saw the fire in her eyes, the determination in her spirit. Avery Jamel was only eight when she was adopted into the guild, and she quickly became their best. She trained tirelessly, honing her skills until she was a force to be reckoned with. Despite her young age, she surpassed even the most seasoned assassins in the guild. She was a prodigy, a natural talent that could not be ignored. But being the best came with its own set of challenges. Avery was constantly pressed to be better, to push herself beyond her limits. The other members of the guild were in awe of her abilities, but they also envied her. They saw her as a threat, a rival to be taken down. As she grew older, Avery's missions became more dangerous and more complex. She was tasked with eliminating high-profile targets, taking down powerful figures with a single strike. It was a dangerous game, but Avery played it with finesse. She was a master of her craft, a deadly weapon in the hands of the guild. One fateful night, as eighteen-year-old Avery woke up and set out on her latest mission, she felt a sense of unease gnawing at the back of her mind. Something didn't feel right, but she pushed the feeling aside. She had a job to do, a target to eliminate. As she stalked her prey through the dimly lit streets of the city, Avery was suddenly pulled into an alleyway. Before she could react, a cloth was pressed over her mouth, and a sickly sweet scent filled her nostrils. The world swirled around her, and she felt herself falling into darkness. When Avery woke up, she was bound and gagged in a dimly lit room. Panic surged through her veins as she tried to free herself, but the restraints were too tight. She struggled against them, her heart pounding in her chest. A figure stepped out of the shadows, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "Well, well, well, look what we have here," he sneered. "The infamous assassin, Avery Jamel. I must say, I'm quite impressed that we were able to capture you." Avery's blood ran cold. She knew she was in deep trouble. The man before her was known as the Hunter, a ruthless mercenary who had been hired to take her down. She had heard whispers of his exploits, of his skill in tracking and capturing his targets. The Hunter circled around her, his eyes glinting with malice. "You've caused quite a stir in the underworld, Avery. The guild is willing to pay a hefty sum for your head. And I intend to collect." Avery's mind raced as she tried to come up with a plan. She couldn't let herself be defeated, not after everything she had been through. She had to find a way to escape, to turn the tables on her captor. With a burst of adrenaline, Avery managed to break free from her restraints. She launched herself at the Hunter, her fists flying in a flurry of punches and kicks. She fought with a ferocity that surprised even herself, her years of training kicking in. But the Hunter was no slouch. He was a skilled fighter, and he countered every move she made with precision. The two of them clashed in a brutal battle, the sound of their blows echoing off the walls. As the fight raged on, Avery saw an opportunity. The Hunter had left his weapon within reach, a sharp dagger glinting in the dim light. With a swift motion, she grabbed the dagger and plunged it into his side. The Hunter cried out in pain, stumbling back. Avery wasted no time, delivering a final blow that sent him crashing to the ground. She stood over him, victorious but weary. As she caught her breath, Avery knew that she couldn't stay in the city any longer. The guild would come for her, seeking revenge for the Hunter's death. She had to disappear, to start a new life far away from the world of assassins and murderers. With a heavy heart, Avery left the city behind, knowing that she would never be able to return. She wandered the countryside, a lone figure on a journey to find herself once again. But deep down, she knew that her past would always haunt her. She would forever be the assassin, the killer who had risen to the top at such a young age. And as she walked into the sunset, the shadows of her past loomed large on the horizon.