An international Bible study group of 7 men arrive by 4x4 RV camper at Solomon Forest Campground for a month long camp in this Australian rainforest with a gentle rocky creek separating south camp and north camp entry the campers bathe and gather along the northern bank on a slight hill through forest to camp 288 meters of track. Christian is 49 years old the camp leader living there in tents for 8 years. The main discussion revolves around end times prophecy being fulfilled.

The gentle sound of the rocky creek running through Solomon Forest Campground in the Australian rainforest provided a soothing backdrop as the international Bible study group of seven men arrived in their 4x4 RV camper. Christian, the 49-year-old camp leader who had been living in the campground in tents for the past eight years, greeted them warmly as they parked their camper near the northern bank of the creek. The campsite was divided into two separate areas, with the south camp and north camp being separated by the creek. The campers made their way to the northern bank, following a 288-meter track that led them through the forest and up a slight hill to their designated camp area. As they settled in and began setting up their tents, Christian gathered the group together for their first Bible study session. The main topic of discussion revolved around end times prophecy and how it was being fulfilled in the world today. "The signs are all around us," Christian began, his eyes shining with fervor. "Wars, famines, earthquakes...all of these things are foretold in the Bible as signs of the end times." The men nodded in agreement, their faces reflecting a mixture of awe and apprehension at the thought of the world coming to an end. As they delved deeper into the scriptures, they discussed the rise of false prophets and the increasing moral decay in society, all of which they believed to be clear indicators that the end times were near. As the days passed, the group spent their time exploring the surrounding rainforest, marveling at the beauty of God's creation. They would gather in the evenings around a campfire, sharing their thoughts and reflections on the scriptures they had studied that day. One evening, as they sat by the crackling fire, Christian spoke up once again. "Brothers, we must be vigilant and prepared for the coming of our Lord. We must continue to spread His message and be a light in the darkness of this world." The men sat in silence, their hearts heavy with the weight of Christian's words. They knew that the road ahead would not be easy, but they found strength in each other and in their shared faith. As the month drew to a close, the men packed up their belongings and prepared to leave the campground. They knew that their time in Solomon Forest had been a special one, a time of fellowship and spiritual growth that had strengthened their faith and their resolve to share the message of salvation with the world. As they said their goodbyes to Christian and the campground, they knew that they would always carry a piece of Solomon Forest with them in their hearts. And as they drove away in their camper, they felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination to fulfill their mission as messengers of the Gospel in a world that grew darker with each passing day.