Tony becomes a vengeance demon, like Anyaka/Anya Jenkins

Tony was always a quiet and reserved man. He kept to himself, rarely speaking up or causing any trouble. He worked as a janitor at a local high school, grumbling as he cleaned up after the rowdy teenagers who roamed the halls. He had always felt invisible, like no one noticed him or cared about his existence. But that all changed one fateful night when Tony stumbled upon a strange artifact in the basement of the school. It was a small, intricately carved figurine of a demon, its eyes glowing with an eerie red light. Intrigued, Tony pocketed the figurine and took it home with him. That night, as he lay in bed, Tony felt a strange energy coursing through his veins. He tossed and turned, unable to sleep as visions of vengeance and retribution danced in his mind. When he awoke the next morning, he felt different. Stronger. More confident. As Tony went about his day, he noticed that people were treating him differently. They seemed to cower in fear at his presence, as if they sensed the power that now resided within him. Tony reveled in their fear, relishing the newfound sense of control he had over those who had once ignored him. But as days turned into weeks, Tony's thirst for vengeance grew. He began to seek out those who had wronged him in the past, using his newfound powers to exact his revenge. He relished in the chaos and destruction he left in his wake, reveling in the fear and pain he inflicted upon his enemies. But as Tony's power grew, so too did the darkness within him. He found himself becoming more and more consumed by his need for vengeance, unable to control the malevolent force that now pulsed through his veins. He began to lose himself in the power, losing touch with the man he once was. It was then that a strange woman appeared before Tony, her eyes cold and calculating. She introduced herself as Anyaka, a vengeance demon much like himself. She explained that she had been watching him, impressed by the destruction he had wrought in his quest for revenge. Anyaka offered Tony a choice - to embrace his new identity as a vengeance demon and join her in her quest for chaos and destruction, or to turn his back on the darkness and seek redemption for his sins. Tony was torn, unsure of which path to choose. But as he gazed into Anyaka's eyes, he saw a glimmer of something familiar - compassion. It was then that Tony realized that he did not want to become consumed by his hatred and need for vengeance. He wanted to find a way to atone for his sins and make amends for the pain he had caused. With a newfound sense of purpose, Tony rejected Anyaka's offer and set out on a journey to right the wrongs he had committed. He used his powers not to instill fear and pain, but to bring about justice and peace. He sought out those he had wronged and offered them his sincere apologies, hoping to make things right. As he traveled the world, Tony encountered others like himself - lost souls who had been consumed by their need for revenge. He offered them a second chance, showing them that there was another way to use their powers for good. In the end, Tony found redemption through his acts of kindness and compassion. He became a guardian of justice, using his powers not to destroy, but to protect and heal. And though the darkness still lingered within him, he knew that as long as he continued to fight for what was right, he would never truly be consumed by the darkness again.