Long a go there was a god they where strong and smart and controlled emotions and spirt that was struck down to Live a mortal life divided into fo separate gods

Long ago, in a time when gods roamed the earth and wielded immense power, there was a deity named Azura who was known for their strength, intelligence, and ability to control emotions and spirits. Azura was revered by all for their wisdom and guidance, and their presence brought peace and harmony to the world. However, one day, jealousy and greed consumed the hearts of the other gods, and they plotted against Azura. They conspired to overthrow Azura and strip them of their divinity, casting them down from their throne and forcing them to live a mortal life divided into four separate beings. As Azura fell from grace, their essence fractured into four distinct entities - Aria, the goddess of light and purity, Zephyr, the god of the wind and freedom, Terra, the goddess of earth and strength, and Aqua, the god of water and harmony. Each of the four deities retained a part of Azura's original power and attributes, but they were now bound to live as mortals in a world they once ruled over. Aria, with her radiant beauty and tranquil demeanor, became a beacon of hope for all who sought guidance and solace. She moved gracefully through the mortal realm, bringing light and purity wherever she went. Her gentle touch healed the wounded and her soothing presence calmed even the most troubled souls. Zephyr, with his wild spirit and boundless energy, roamed the skies freely, riding the winds and spreading his message of freedom and independence. He was a force of nature, untamed and unpredictable, but his presence brought a sense of liberation to those shackled by the constraints of mortal life. Terra, with her sturdy frame and unwavering strength, became a symbol of resilience and fortitude. She stood tall and proud, a pillar of support for those in need of protection and guidance. Her earth-shaking presence instilled a sense of security and stability in a world plagued by chaos and uncertainty. Aqua, with his calm demeanor and serene presence, embodied the essence of harmony and balance. He flowed effortlessly through the waters, soothing troubled hearts and bringing peace to those in turmoil. His gentle touch healed emotional wounds and his tranquil aura calmed even the most turbulent seas. Despite their newfound mortality, the four gods continued to uphold the ideals and principles of their former self, seeking to bring order and balance to the world they once ruled over. They worked tirelessly to restore harmony and unity, using their powers to guide and protect mortals from the darkness and chaos that threatened to consume them. As time passed, the legends of Azura and the four gods spread far and wide, with mortals telling tales of their wisdom, strength, and benevolence. The memory of the fallen deity lived on in the hearts of those who had been touched by their presence, inspiring hope and courage in the face of adversity. And so, the four gods of Aria, Zephyr, Terra, and Aqua continued to walk amongst mortals, their divine essence shining brightly in a world that had once been plunged into darkness. Though they had been cast down from their thrones and stripped of their immortality, the gods remained steadfast in their mission to bring light and love to all who sought their guidance. And thus, the legacy of Azura and the four gods lived on, a testament to the enduring power of hope, love, and unity in a world torn apart by strife and conflict.