Crestfallen that Abigail Wexford chose Sir Godfrey Hamilton, Lord Simeon Paxton met with mentor, the honorable Judge Grandon Hollister, to release him of obligatory practices in London and to seek new practice in Edinburgh, Scotland where his parents resided. Judge Hollister shaken by Lord Paxton’s decision demanded an explanation.

Sir Godfrey Hamilton, Lord Simeon Paxton, sat across from his mentor, the honorable Judge Grandon Hollister, in the dimly lit study of the judge’s London townhouse. The room was lined with shelves filled with legal tomes and the air was heavy with the scent of old leather and pipe smoke. Lord Paxton had come to Judge Hollister with a heavy heart and a burdened mind. For years, he had dutifully followed in his family’s footsteps and practiced law in London, upholding the Paxton name and reputation with honor and integrity. But now, a restlessness had settled in his soul, a yearning for something more, something different. Judge Hollister, a stern and imposing figure with a sharp intellect and a steely gaze, studied Lord Paxton intently. He could see the turmoil in the young man’s eyes, the conflict between duty and desire. “Lord Paxton,” he began in his deep, gravelly voice, “what brings you to me in such a state of distress?” Lord Paxton swallowed hard, his throat dry with nerves. “Your Honor, I come to you seeking release from my obligations here in London,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “I wish to seek new practice in Edinburgh, where my parents reside.” Judge Hollister’s brows furrowed in confusion and concern. “Edinburgh?” he repeated, as if the very word left a bitter taste on his tongue. “And why, may I ask, do you wish to leave behind all that you have worked for here in London?” Lord Paxton took a deep breath, steeling himself for the judge’s reaction. “I feel as though I am stagnating here,” he explained. “I crave new challenges, new experiences. And I wish to be closer to my family, to the roots of my heritage.” Judge Hollister’s piercing gaze bore into Lord Paxton, searching for any hint of deception or weakness. But all he saw was the earnestness of a young man desperate to find his place in the world. “And what of your duties here in London?” he demanded. “What of your responsibilities to your clients, to your colleagues?” Lord Paxton’s heart sank at the judge’s words. He had known that this conversation would not be easy, but he had not been prepared for the weight of the guilt and shame that now settled upon his shoulders. “I have thought long and hard about this, Your Honor,” he said, his voice trembling with emotion. “I will do everything in my power to ensure a smooth transition and to tie up any loose ends here in London. I will not leave my obligations unfulfilled.” Judge Hollister leaned back in his chair, studying Lord Paxton with a mixture of disbelief and resignation. “Very well,” he finally said, his voice heavy with finality. “I cannot force you to stay against your will. But know this, Lord Paxton, your decision will not go unmarked. The legal community will not forget this breach of loyalty.” Lord Paxton felt a pang of regret at Judge Hollister’s words, but he knew in his heart that he could not ignore the call of destiny that beckoned him to Edinburgh. “I understand, Your Honor,” he said, his voice steady and resolute. “I will face the consequences of my decision with courage and grace.” As Lord Paxton rose to take his leave, Judge Hollister reached out a hand to stop him. “Wait,” he said, his voice softer now, tinged with a note of sorrow. “Before you go, tell me, what is it that drives you to seek a new path in Edinburgh? Is there something there that calls to your soul, something that you cannot find here in London?” Lord Paxton hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal to his mentor. But in the end, he knew that he must be honest. “There is a darkness in my past, Your Honor,” he confessed, his voice barely more than a whisper. “A secret that haunts me, that I cannot escape. I believe that in Edinburgh, I may find the answers that I seek, the closure that I so desperately need.” Judge Hollister’s eyes softened with understanding and compassion. “I see,” he said, his voice gentle now. “I wish you luck on your journey, Lord Paxton. May you find the peace and redemption that you seek.” And with that, Lord Paxton took his leave of Judge Hollister, his heart heavy with the weight of his decision but also lifted with the hope of a new beginning. As he stepped out into the bustling streets of London, he knew that the road ahead would not be easy, but he was determined to face it with courage and determination. And as he made his way to the train station to begin his journey to Edinburgh, he felt a sense of purpose and clarity that he had not felt in years. For Lord Simeon Paxton, the path ahead was uncertain and fraught with challenges, but he knew that he was finally following his true calling, and that was a comfort that no amount of hardship could shake. And though the road to redemption would be long and arduous, he walked it with a newfound sense of determination and hope, ready to face whatever lay ahead with courage and grace.