Princess Luna from My little Pony: Friendship is Magic, stumbles upon a human in the Everfree Forest and takes him in. While their species are different, Luna and the man named Matthew for a romantic bond.

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Equestria, Princess Luna, the co-ruler of the night alongside her sister Princess Celestia, decided to venture out into the forbidden Everfree Forest. The moon was shining brightly overhead as she silently trotted through the dark and eerie woods, her ethereal mane flowing behind her. As Luna made her way deeper into the forest, she stumbled upon a peculiar sight. There, lying amidst a patch of wildflowers, was a young man named Matthew. His clothes were tattered, and he looked disoriented and lost. Luna's heart went out to him immediately, and her royal instincts urged her to help this lost soul. Approaching the man with caution, Luna used her magic to wake him from his unconscious state. Matthew's eyes fluttered open, and upon seeing Princess Luna, he was taken aback. He had never seen a creature like her before, with her majestic wings and shimmering mane. Luna spoke in a gentle voice, "Fear not, young human. I mean you no harm. I am Princess Luna, the guardian of the night. What brings you to this enchanted forest?" Matthew, still in awe of his surroundings, managed to stutter out a reply. "I... I don't even know. I was exploring the woods near my home and suddenly found myself transported here. I've been wandering aimlessly ever since." Luna recognized the confusion in his eyes and decided to take him under her wing, quite literally. She offered to bring Matthew back to her castle, where she could keep him safe and help find a way for him to return to his world. Matthew eagerly accepted Luna's offer, feeling a deep sense of comfort and safety in her presence. As they journeyed back to the castle, the princess couldn't help but notice how brave and kind-hearted Matthew was. Despite their physical differences, a bond started to form between the two. Days turned into weeks, and Luna spent every moment she could with Matthew, showing him the wonders of Equestria. They watched the sunrise together, stargazed under the moon, and explored the lush lands hand in hand. Luna found herself falling in love with Matthew's gentle soul, and he too felt an undeniable connection to the dark and mysterious princess. Their romance blossomed despite the impossibility of their union. Luna's heartache grew with each passing day, knowing that once Matthew found a way back to his world, they would be forever separated. But she couldn't bear to let him go, not without trying to find a way to bring their two worlds together. With Celestia's guidance, Luna delved deep into her magic, searching for a spell that could bridge the gap between their species. She knew the potential consequences, but her love for Matthew outweighed any fear. After days of tireless research, Luna finally discovered a spell that could bind their souls and merge their worlds. Excited yet terrified, Luna approached Matthew with her discovery. She explained the risks, acknowledging that they might face unforeseen challenges, but the possibility of being together was worth it. Matthew, touched by Luna's selflessness and devotion, agreed wholeheartedly. Under the starry night, surrounded by the Everfree Forest, Luna and Matthew performed the intricate spell. The air crackled with magic, and a brilliant light enveloped them both. When it finally subsided, they found themselves still standing together, tears of joy streaming down their faces. In that moment, Luna knew that they had been successful. Their love had transcended boundaries, their worlds had merged, and they could finally be together. Luna and Matthew embarked on a new life, basking in the happiness and love that now enveloped them both. And so, in the land of Equestria, a beautiful princess and a brave human forged a love that defied all odds. Their bond reminded them that sometimes, even the most unlikely unions can bring about the most extraordinary of miracles.