A gnome riding her long haired pony her shiny red hair fanned out behind her but thing take an unexpected turn when she is kidnapped and with nobody knowing where she wen even her rude boss at the tavern is worried when her pony shows up without it’s rider mean while sage the gnome is violently tortured by a mysterious figure and she must find a way to escape

Sage was a gnome with long, flowing red hair that cascaded down her back like a waterfall of fire. She was known throughout the village for her magnificent mane and her love of riding her pony, a beautiful creature with long, flowing hair that matched her own. Every morning, Sage would saddle up her pony and ride through the forest, the wind whipping through her hair as she galloped through the trees. It was a sight to behold, the gnome and her pony, their red hair fanning out behind them like a blazing comet in the sky. But one day, as Sage was riding through the forest, something unexpected happened. A band of dark figures emerged from the shadows and surrounded Sage and her pony, their faces hidden beneath dark hoods. Before Sage could react, she was grabbed and pulled from her pony's back, the creature rearing in alarm as its rider was torn away. Sage struggled and fought against her captors, but they were too strong. They bound her hands and blindfolded her, leading her deeper into the forest, their cruel laughter echoing through the trees. Meanwhile, back in the village, Sage's absence was noticed by her boss at the tavern, a gruff and rude man who had never shown any kindness to the gnome. But even he was worried when Sage did not return, and when her pony showed up at the tavern without its rider, he knew something was terribly wrong. The news spread quickly through the village, and soon a search party was organized to find Sage. But the gnome was nowhere to be found, and the villagers began to fear the worst. As for Sage, she found herself in a dark and damp dungeon, her hands chained to the wall as she sat huddled in a corner. A mysterious figure stood before her, their face hidden in the shadows. "Why have you taken me?" Sage demanded, her voice echoing in the cold stone chamber. The figure said nothing, only raising a hand to reveal a cruel-looking instrument of torture. Sage's heart sank as she realized what was about to happen - she was going to be tortured. For hours, the figure tormented Sage, using every method they could think of to break her spirit. But the gnome was strong, and she refused to give in, enduring the pain and the humiliation with a steely resolve. As the hours turned to days, Sage began to formulate a plan to escape. She watched her captor carefully, biding her time and waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Finally, one night, as her captor slept, Sage saw her chance. With a burst of strength, she broke free of her chains and raced for the door, her heart pounding in her chest. She emerged into the darkness of the forest, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she ran for her life. But her captor was not far behind, their shadowy form pursuing her through the trees. Sage knew she had to find help, and so she raced towards the village, the sounds of pursuit closing in behind her. As she burst into the clearing, she saw the familiar faces of her friends and neighbors, their eyes widening in shock at the sight of the battered and bruised gnome before them. The villagers quickly sprang into action, rallying around Sage and forming a protective circle around her as her captor approached. But before they could act, the figure stepped into the light, revealing themselves to be someone unexpected - a member of the village who had been hiding in plain sight all along. The shock was palpable as the truth was revealed, and Sage's friends and neighbors could only stare in disbelief as the traitor was taken into custody. As for Sage, she was hailed as a hero, her bravery and strength in the face of adversity celebrated throughout the village. And as she rode her pony through the forest once more, her red hair fanning out behind her in the breeze, she knew that she was truly home, surrounded by those who loved and valued her. And though the memory of her ordeal would always linger in the back of her mind, Sage knew that she had the support of her community behind her, and that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would always have the strength to face them head-on.