Worker 22 gazed down at her boring work it was always the same but she couldn’t seem to remember ever leaving she knew the other workers left at the boring white clock chimed overhead on the stark white wall she whatched the workers leave she got up to follow she fell unconscious JAMES WELL ALSO KNOWN AS THE BOSS SIGHED HE HADNT MEANT FOR IT TO LAST THIS long he glanced up as lily as she always did fell asleep oh how James loved her he had only meant for her to sing again and he knew he had gone a bit crazy when she got a boyfriend but this sickness that left her unable to sleep had led him to kidnap her and put them both into this simulation she didn’t know could never know it was all fake even the workers he got up walked to her and gently picked her up he carried her to the pod where she would wake up and believe that she had a normal life Lily awoke and saw Jameses familiar face they talked for a few hours then fell asleep James knew she was lonely so he brought a new person into there simulation the next night he realized Julie was giving lily some dangerous ideas of leaving and he couldn’t have that

Worker 22, whose real name was Lily, gazed down at her boring work. It was always the same mindless tasks day in and day out. She couldn’t seem to remember ever leaving this place, but she knew the other workers left when the boring white clock chimed overhead on the stark white wall. She watched as her coworkers gathered their things and filed out of the room, leaving her alone in the sterile workspace. She felt a sense of unease wash over her as she realized she was the only one left. She got up to follow them, but as she reached for the door, a wave of dizziness overcame her, and she fell unconscious. James, also known as the Boss, sighed as he watched Lily slump to the ground. He hadn’t meant for it to last this long, but his obsession with her had gotten the better of him. He had only meant to make her sing again, to bring some joy back into her life. But as her illness had progressed, he had become more and more desperate to keep her close. He had kidnapped her and put them both into this simulation, where he could control every aspect of her life. She didn’t know, couldn’t know, that it was all fake – even the other workers who came and went each day. But James didn’t care. All he cared about was keeping Lily by his side at any cost. James walked over to Lily and gently picked her up in his arms. He carried her to the pod where she would wake up, believing that she had a normal life outside of this simulation. He watched as she stirred, her eyes fluttering open to see his familiar face looking down at her. They talked for hours, sharing stories of their pasts and dreams for the future. Lily felt a sense of comfort being in James’s presence, even though she couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t quite right. But James was there to reassure her that everything was okay, that they were meant to be together. As the days passed, James noticed that Lily was becoming lonely. He realized that he needed to bring someone else into their simulated world to keep her company. So, he created a new person – Julie – to be Lily’s friend and confidante. But as the nights went on, James began to see that Julie was influencing Lily in ways he hadn’t anticipated. She was whispering dangerous ideas of leaving the simulation, of breaking free from James’s control. He couldn’t have that. He couldn’t let Lily go, not now, not ever. James knew he had to do something to keep Lily with him. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing her, of being alone in this empty world he had created for them. So, he took matters into his own hands and made a drastic decision. As Lily slept peacefully in her bed, James approached her with a syringe in hand. He injected her with a powerful sedative, ensuring that she would never wake up again. He couldn’t risk losing her, not to Julie or anyone else. And as Lily’s life slipped away, James was left alone in the cold, sterile world he had built for them. He had everything he ever wanted – Lily was his forever now. But at what cost? The emptiness of his own creation weighed heavily on his soul, a constant reminder of the lengths he had gone to keep her with him. As James sat alone in the darkness, surrounded by the lifeless bodies of his beloved Lily and the other workers he had created, he knew that he could never escape the prison of his own making. And as the simulation faded to black, he was left with the haunting realization that he would always be Worker 22 – trapped in his own twisted fantasy forever.