Chucky and Tiffany on vacation with their twin teenage children Glen and Glenda Glenda invites her boyfriend to come Glenda gets pregnant scared of their reaction tries to hide it Chucky and Tiffany are mad at her when they find out about it they force her to get rid of the baby she refuses to do it her boyfriend supports her and her decision realizing their mistake Chucky and Tiffany apologize to Glenda and support Glenda

Chucky and Tiffany hadn't taken a vacation in what felt like forever. Being notorious killers, they were always on the run and never had time to relax and enjoy themselves. But finally, they decided it was time for a getaway, and what better way to spend it than with their twin teenage children, Glen and Glenda. The family rented a cozy cabin in the woods, far away from civilization. They were delighted to spend time together and bond as a family. Glen was the quieter of the two twins, often keeping to himself and reading books, while Glenda was more outgoing and social, always looking for new adventures. One day, while exploring the nearby town, Glenda met a handsome young man named Jake. They hit it off immediately and started spending a lot of time together. Chucky and Tiffany were a little wary of Jake at first, knowing their daughter's taste in boys wasn't always the best. But they decided to trust Glenda and let her enjoy her vacation romance. As the days passed, Glenda and Jake grew closer and closer. It wasn't long before Glenda found out she was pregnant. She was terrified of her parents' reaction. She knew they wouldn't approve of her being pregnant at such a young age, especially during a vacation they were supposed to be enjoying as a family. Afraid of their reaction, Glenda kept her pregnancy a secret from her parents. She confided in Jake, and together, they tried to figure out what to do. Jake was surprisingly supportive and promised to help Glenda no matter what decision she made. But secrets never stay hidden for long, especially in a small cabin with nosy parents. Chucky and Tiffany noticed Glenda acting differently, and they soon realized something was off. They confronted her about it, and Glenda broke down, confessing that she was pregnant. Chucky and Tiffany were furious. They couldn't believe their daughter had gotten herself into this situation. They demanded that she get rid of the baby immediately, not wanting their reputation as killers to be ruined by a teenage pregnancy. Glenda was heartbroken at her parents' reaction, feeling helpless and alone. But Glenda stood her ground. She refused to get an abortion, knowing deep down that she wanted to keep her baby. Jake supported her every step of the way, showing her nothing but love and encouragement. Glenda finally felt like she had someone on her side, even if her own family had turned their backs on her. After a few days of tension and arguments, Chucky and Tiffany realized they had made a mistake. They had let their own fears and prejudices cloud their judgment, forgetting that their daughter needed their support and love more than ever. They apologized to Glenda and Jake, promising to support them throughout the pregnancy and beyond. As Glenda's belly grew, the family came together in unexpected ways. Chucky and Tiffany embraced their roles as future grandparents, showering Glenda with love and affection. Glen also stepped up, surprising everyone with his maturity and support for his sister. When Glenda finally gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, the family was overjoyed. They named her Lily, a symbol of new beginnings and forgiveness. Glenda and Jake were grateful for their family's newfound acceptance and love, knowing that they could always count on them no matter what. And as they sat on the porch of the cabin, watching the sun set over the forest, Chucky and Tiffany couldn't help but feel grateful for their imperfect but loving family. They had come a long way from their days as notorious killers, finding redemption and solace in each other's arms. And as they held little Lily in their arms, they knew that their family was stronger and more united than ever before.