A girl who has gem powers and filled with rage from bloodshed. So the story begins at long ages back before the earth was formed (I guess) a little girl named Klanne was born. Her home was going to die and so like many other parents in this stupid situation decided to pull her into the unknown space. After millions of years later would she actually ever know that she was going to somehow bumpy to the presence of earth. She was around in human years 15-16 years old with red hair and blue eyes she was around 5’9 and had a very boring personality.

Once upon a time, in a world far beyond our own, there existed a little girl named Klanne. She was born in a time long before the formation of Earth, in a mysterious realm filled with unimaginable wonders and unimaginable dangers. Her parents, faced with the inevitable destruction of their home, made the difficult decision to send Klanne into the vast expanse of unknown space in hopes of saving her from their world's fate. Millions of years passed like the flicker of a candle, a mere blink in the vastness of the universe. Klanne drifted through the cosmos, unaware of time or space, her young mind immersed in dreams and frail memories. She was an anomaly, her mere existence capable of miracles and destruction. Eventually, by some cosmic quirk, Klanne's path brought her closer and closer to the presence of Earth. As the distance between her and the blue planet gradually diminished, an invisible force awakened deep within Klanne. It was her gem powers, spiking with a volatile and uncontrollable energy. She could feel the long-dormant rage begin to stir within her. As she crashed onto the surface of Earth, Klanne emerged as a teenager in human years, with fiery red hair cascading down her slender frame and piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold the secrets of the universe. Standing at 5'9" tall, she blended into the crowd with her ordinary appearance, an illusion to the extraordinary power that resides within her. However, Klanne's personality was far from boring. The centuries of solitude and isolation had shaped her into a young woman burdened with anger, resentment, and a thirst for vengeance. The bloodshed she had witnessed in her home world, the sight of her people torn apart by uncontrollable forces, had ignited an inferno within her soul. As Klanne wandered through the bustling streets, she struggled to suppress her volatile emotions. The memories of her decimated home world gnawed at her sanity, and each passing day brought her closer to losing control. She felt the weight of the bloodshed upon her fragile shoulders, a burden that seemed unbearable. It was during a chance encounter at a local market that Klanne's destiny intertwined with a young boy named Rylan. Rylan possessed an intuitive understanding of energy and a gentle aura that resonated with Klanne's turbulent soul. Intrigued by each other's mysteries, they formed an unlikely friendship that would alter the course of their lives forever. As Klanne regained control over her gem powers, she and Rylan embarked on a journey of self-discovery. Together, they sought to understand the origins of Klanne's powers and find a way to channel her rage into positive change. From ancient ruins to hidden temples, they traveled across continents, grappling with the implications of Klanne's immense power. Along the way, Klanne encountered others gifted with gem powers, individuals who had harnessed their abilities for both good and evil. She learned to navigate the delicate balance between fury and compassion, discovering that anger alone was not the answer. With every encounter and every battle against darkness, Klanne grew stronger, honing her skills and uniting her powers with others in the pursuit of justice. Finally, after a long and arduous quest, Klanne came face to face with the truth that lay buried deep within her gem. She learned that her powers were not borne out of chaos alone but that they carried the potential to restore balance and heal the wounds inflicted by bloodshed. In that moment of revelation, Klanne embraced her destiny as a steward of the universe, a guardian of life, and a beacon of hope. From that day forward, Klanne vowed to use her gem powers not to fuel her anger but to bring about peace and understanding. With Rylan by her side, she set out to share her newfound knowledge with others, to teach them the power of compassion, and to inspire a world where bloodshed faded into memory. Together, Klanne and Rylan became legends, etching their names into the history of a universe filled with both darkness and light. The tale of Klanne, the girl with gem powers and a heart filled with fiery rage, would be passed down through generations, a reminder that even in the face of despair, redemption and change are always within reach.