Tony is kidnapped to the School For Good and Evil, along with his friend Anna, and Baby John, who stowed away. Tony and Baby John are dropped at the School For Good, while Anna is dropped at the School For Evil. Why are they there?

Tony's heart pounded in his chest as he found himself surrounded by darkness. He tried to move his arms and legs, but they were bound tightly with ropes. Panic set in as he realized he had been kidnapped. He tried to remember the events leading up to his abduction. He had been walking home from school with his friends Anna and Baby John when a van pulled up alongside them. Before he could react, he felt a sharp pain in his neck and everything went black. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light, Tony could make out the figures of Anna and Baby John beside him. They were both bound and gagged like he was. Tony felt a surge of fear for his friends, wondering why they had all been taken. The van came to a sudden stop, and the doors opened to reveal a group of masked figures. They roughly pulled Tony, Anna, and Baby John out of the van and dragged them towards two separate buildings. Tony caught a glimpse of a sign that read "The School For Good and Evil." Tony's heart sank as he realized where they were being taken. The School For Good and Evil was a place he had only heard rumors about. It was said to be a school where children with extraordinary abilities were trained to become heroes or villains. Tony was dropped off at the School For Good, while Anna and Baby John were taken to the School For Evil. He tried to call out to them, but the gag in his mouth made it impossible to speak. Tony was led into a large, imposing building with marble columns and stained-glass windows. As he was marched through the halls, Tony couldn't help but notice the other children around him. They all seemed to possess some kind of special power or skill. Some were able to control the elements, while others could move objects with their minds. Tony felt out of place among them. He was just an ordinary kid from a small town with no remarkable abilities to speak of. He wondered why he had been brought to this school and what purpose he was meant to serve. As he was led into a classroom, Tony saw a tall, stern-looking woman standing at the front of the room. She introduced herself as Professor Goodwin and explained that he would be undergoing a series of tests to determine his place at the school. The tests were grueling, testing Tony's strength, agility, and intelligence. He struggled to keep up with the other students, who seemed to excel effortlessly. Tony felt frustrated and out of his depth. Meanwhile, at the School For Evil, Anna and Baby John were going through similar tests of their own. Anna discovered that she had a talent for manipulation and deceit, while Baby John displayed incredible strength and cunning. As the days passed, Tony began to forge friendships with some of the other students. He met a girl named Lily who had the power to heal others, and a boy named Alex who could create illusions with his mind. Together, they formed a ragtag group of misfits who banded together to survive the challenges of the school. Tony found a sense of belonging among them, despite his lack of extraordinary abilities. One day, Professor Goodwin called Tony into her office for a private meeting. She explained that he had been brought to the school because he possessed a unique quality that set him apart from the others. Tony was puzzled, unsure of what she meant. It was then that Professor Goodwin revealed the truth to Tony. He was a Chosen One, a child destined to bring balance to the world of Good and Evil. Tony was shocked by this revelation, but a sense of purpose filled him. With this newfound knowledge, Tony trained harder than ever before, pushing himself to his limits in order to fulfill his destiny. He discovered a hidden strength within himself that he never knew existed, and he grew more confident in his abilities. On the day of the final test, Tony faced his greatest challenge yet. He was pitted against a powerful enemy who threatened to unleash chaos upon the world. With his friends by his side, Tony fought bravely, using all his skills and determination to bring down the villain. In the end, Tony emerged victorious, fulfilling his role as the Chosen One and bringing peace to the School For Good and Evil. As he stood triumphantly among his friends, Tony knew that he had found his true place in the world. And so, Tony, Anna, and Baby John returned to their normal lives, forever changed by their experiences at the School For Good and Evil. They had faced unimaginable challenges and discovered their own inner strength, proving that even ordinary kids can become heroes in the end.