In this Power Rangers Time Force pre-series story, little Wes visits a carnival (or something similar) with his family (or with his class) as a child and a fortune teller predicts the future romance between Wes and a girl out of time (Jen).

As a child, little Wes Collins was mesmerized by the sights and sounds of the carnival. The bright lights, the thrilling rides, the smell of cotton candy in the air - it was a magical experience for the young boy. He clutched his father's hand tightly as they wandered through the crowded fairgrounds, taking in all the wonders that surrounded them. Wes's family had decided to spend a Saturday afternoon at the carnival, enjoying the many attractions and games that were on offer. His mother and sister were off exploring the various stalls and rides, while his father had taken Wes by the hand to show him the wonders of the fortune teller's tent. The fortune teller's tent was draped in colorful fabrics, with twinkling lights strung up inside to create an air of mystery and intrigue. It was said that the fortune teller could predict the future with uncanny accuracy, and Wes's father thought it would be a fun experience for his young son. As they entered the tent, a wave of incense wafted over them, filling the air with a sweet, spicy scent. The fortune teller sat at a small table covered in a velvet cloth, her eyes hidden behind a thick scarf and a crystal ball in front of her. She beckoned Wes and his father to sit down, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Welcome, young one," she said in a soft, melodious voice. "I sense great things in your future." Wes's eyes widened in awe as he listened to the fortune teller's words. She spoke of adventures and challenges, of triumphs and failures. And then, she turned her gaze towards Wes and his father, a knowing glint in her eyes. "I see a great love in your future, young one," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of mystery. "A love that transcends time and space, a love that will endure through the ages." Wes's father chuckled at the fortune teller's words, thinking it was all just a bit of fun. But Wes couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to her prediction. As they left the tent, the image of the fortune teller's words burned in his mind - a love that transcends time and space. Years passed, and Wes grew into a strong and capable young man. He went off to college, following in his father's footsteps and studying business administration. But no matter how successful he became, no matter how many achievements he had under his belt, he couldn't shake the memory of the fortune teller's prediction. One day, fate intervened in the most unexpected way. Wes was walking through the bustling streets of his hometown when he saw her - a young woman with fiery red hair and steely blue eyes. She looked lost and out of place, as if she didn't belong in this time or this world. Wes felt a strange pull towards her, as if he had known her his whole life. He approached her tentatively, introducing himself and offering to help her find her way. And as they talked, he realized that she was the girl from the carnival all those years ago - the one the fortune teller had spoken of. Her name was Jen, and she was a Time Force officer from the year 3000. She had been on a mission to capture a dangerous criminal who had escaped into the past, and somehow, she had ended up here, in Wes's time. As they spent more time together, Wes and Jen's bond grew stronger. They fought side by side against the forces of evil, using their skills and powers to protect the innocent and uphold justice. And through it all, Wes couldn't help but feel that the fortune teller's words had come true - their love truly did transcend time and space. As they stood side by side, facing down their enemies and overcoming every obstacle in their path, Wes knew that he had found his soulmate in Jen. She was the missing piece of his heart, the one he had been searching for all his life. And as they looked towards the future, hand in hand, Wes knew that their love would endure through the ages, just as the fortune teller had predicted. Time may be a fickle thing, but their love was timeless - a bond that could never be broken. And as they continued on their journey, protecting the world and each other, Wes and Jen knew that they were truly meant to be together, now and forever.