A au wher the Olympians are high schoolers

It was just another day at Olympus High, where the gods roamed the halls in their human forms, trying to blend in with the mortal students. As the bell rang for the first class of the day, Zeus, the popular quarterback of the football team, strutted down the hallway with his brothers Poseidon and Hades by his side. The trio were known as the "Big Three" of Olympus High, each possessing unique powers that set them apart from the rest of the student body. As they entered their homeroom class, Zeus couldn't help but notice the new student sitting in the back of the room. She was a shy, quiet girl with dark hair and piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through him. Zeus felt a strange pull towards her, but he brushed it off as he took his seat next to Hera, the head cheerleader and his on-again, off-again girlfriend. The teacher called roll, and Zeus learned that the new girl's name was Persephone. She was mysterious and intriguing, and he couldn't seem to stop thinking about her. As the day went on, he found himself drawn to her, wanting to learn more about the enigmatic girl who seemed to be hiding something. During lunch, Zeus decided to approach Persephone, determined to get to know her better. As he walked up to her table, he noticed that she was surrounded by an aura of flowers and springtime, and he realized that she was the goddess of the harvest. Persephone looked up at him with a small smile, and Zeus felt his heart skip a beat. "Hi, I'm Zeus," he said, trying to sound confident. "I know who you are," Persephone replied, her voice as soft as a summer breeze. "You're the king of the gods." Zeus was taken aback by her words, but he was intrigued by the way she seemed to see right through his facade. They talked for the rest of lunch, and Zeus found himself opening up to Persephone in a way he never had with anyone else. She understood him in a way that no one else did, and he couldn't help but feel drawn to her. As the days turned into weeks, Zeus and Persephone became inseparable. They spent hours together after school, exploring the hidden corners of Olympus High and discovering each other's secrets. Persephone showed Zeus the beauty of the natural world, while he introduced her to the thrill of flying on the back of a thundercloud. But their happiness was short-lived, as rumors began to spread about their relationship. Hera, jealous of the bond between Zeus and Persephone, began to spread lies about the new girl, painting her as a dangerous outsider who didn't belong at Olympus High. Zeus tried to defend Persephone, but the damage had already been done. One fateful day, Hera confronted Persephone in the school courtyard, accusing her of using her powers to manipulate Zeus. Persephone tried to explain that her feelings for Zeus were genuine, but Hera wouldn't listen. In a fit of rage, she used her powers to summon a storm, threatening to destroy everything in her path. As the winds whipped around them, Zeus stepped in front of Persephone, shielding her from Hera's wrath. He knew that he had to make a choice, and he chose to stand by Persephone, even if it meant facing the anger of his family and friends. With a flash of lightning, Zeus challenged Hera to a duel, using his powers to create a barrier between them. The two gods clashed in a display of power and strength, the very foundations of Olympus High shaking with their fury. But in the end, it was Zeus who emerged victorious, his love for Persephone giving him the strength to overcome his own doubts and fears. As the storm cleared, Zeus and Persephone stood together, hand in hand, facing the future with hope and determination. They knew that their love was strong enough to withstand any challenge, and that together, they could overcome anything that stood in their way. And so, the gods of Olympus High learned a valuable lesson that day: that true love knows no boundaries, and that sometimes, it takes a little courage to defy the expectations of others and follow your heart wherever it may lead.