Chucky and Tiffany’s twin children Glen and Glenda little Glenda gets in a fight with her cousins at a family gathering they break her doll they fight she jumps on them attacking them she screams in pain when she falls to the ground she vomits having an asthma attack feeling sick her grandma holds and cradles her until her mommy and daddy come to pick them up her cousins apologize for hurting her

Once upon a time, in a small, cozy house on the outskirts of town, lived a peculiar family. This was no ordinary family; instead, it was a family of dolls. Chucky and Tiffany, two notorious dolls that were once possessed by the souls of two killers, had found redemption and transformed their dark ways into parenting. They now had twin children named Glen and Glenda, who were just as mischievous and spirited as their parents had ever been. One sunny afternoon, the dolls arranged a family gathering at Granny's house. It was a chance for Glen and Glenda to meet their cousins, Rudy and Rosie, who were equally as playful and full of energy. The dolls knew that it would be an exciting day full of laughter and games. As they gathered around the picnic table in the backyard, the dolls couldn't help but notice the glimmering excitement in their children's eyes. Glen and Glenda were thrilled to meet their cousins and were eager to make new friends. However, as the day progressed, a disagreement arose, escalating into a squabble between Glenda and her cousins. In the midst of their argument, the dolls watched in dismay as Glenda's beloved doll, Lola, was accidentally broken as the cousins tugged at it. The room was filled with tears and frustration, and Glenda, overcome with anger and sadness, lunged at Rudy and Rosie, trying to protect her treasured companion. A chorus of screams filled the air as the dolls scrambled to intervene and restore peace. But in the chaos, Glenda lost her footing and fell hard onto the ground, clutching her chest and gasping for air. A terrible asthma attack had taken over, causing her pain and making her feel incredibly sick. In an instant, Granny recognized Glenda's distress and swooped in to hold and cradle her, providing some comfort to the agonizing child. Her calming voice resonated through Glenda's ears as she whispered soothing words, reassuring her that everything would be alright. Moments later, Chucky and Tiffany arrived, their worry evident on their doll-like faces. They rushed to Glenda's side, quickly assessing the situation. Glenda, her face pale and covered in perspiration, gasped for air, unable to speak. Fear gripped her parents' hearts as they witnessed their beloved daughter struggling to breathe. With their family gathered around them, Chucky and Tiffany enveloped Glenda in their arms, whispering words of reassurance and love. Cooing softly, they cradled her, hoping to provide comfort and relief until the choking sensation began to subside. Rudy and Rosie, overwhelmed with guilt and remorse, approached their cousin with tear-filled eyes, regret etching their faces. They apologized sincerely, their apologies accompanied by sobs. The dolls, recognizing the genuine remorse in their cousins' expressions, forgave them, urging everyone to focus on Glenda's recovery. As Granny handed over a glass of water to Glenda, she took a few sips, feeling the suffocating tightness in her chest gradually ease. The asthma attack had passed, leaving her physically exhausted but mentally comforted by her family's love and care. Together, the dolls, their children, and their cousins gathered in a circle, embracing each other tightly, reaffirming the bond that held them together. They knew that family was not only about blood ties but also about love, forgiveness, and the strength to endure the challenges life threw at them. And from that day forward, Glenda, Rudy, and Rosie formed an unbreakable bond, cherishing the lessons they learned about compassion and the importance of standing by one another. With their shared experience, they vowed to protect and support each other, creating memories that would last a lifetime, just like the love that flowed through their very doll-like hearts.