Tony is accidentally frozen cryogenically and ends up in the future like Fry in a (less-mature) version of Futurama.

Tony was a simple man with a simple life. He worked as a delivery driver for a local pizza shop and spent his evenings watching TV and playing video games. One fateful night, however, Tony's life would change forever. As he was making his final delivery of the night, Tony found himself at a strange and futuristic-looking building. The delivery address seemed to be some kind of research facility, but Tony didn't think much of it as he handed the pizza over to the receptionist and headed back to his car. As he was driving away, Tony's car suddenly swerved off the road and crashed into a tree. When he regained consciousness, he realized that he was no longer in his car, but in a strange and futuristic-looking room with strange machines and devices all around him. Confused and disoriented, Tony stumbled around the room, trying to figure out where he was and how he had gotten there. That's when he stumbled upon a strange pod-like device with his name on it. As he investigated further, Tony discovered that he had been accidentally cryogenically frozen and was now in the future. Tony's mind was reeling as he tried to come to terms with this incredible turn of events. He had heard stories of people being frozen and waking up in the future, but he never thought it would happen to him. As he tried to make sense of his situation, Tony couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and wonder at the possibilities that lay ahead. As he explored the strange new world around him, Tony quickly realized that he was in a city unlike anything he had ever seen before. The buildings towered into the sky, flying cars zipped by overhead, and robots went about their business on every corner. It was like something out of a science fiction movie. As Tony wandered the streets, he couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia for the world he had left behind. He missed his old life, his family, his friends, and even his job as a delivery driver. But as he met the quirky and colorful characters that inhabited this future world, Tony began to see that maybe there was something exciting and new waiting for him here. One of the first people Tony met was a bubbly and eccentric scientist named Dr. Phibes. Dr. Phibes explained to Tony that he had been frozen for over 100 years and that the world had changed drastically in his absence. The scientist also revealed that Tony's accidental freezing had been a result of a mix-up at the research facility he had delivered pizza to that night. Despite his initial shock and confusion, Tony couldn't help but be intrigued by the idea of starting fresh in this strange new world. Dr. Phibes offered to help Tony adjust to his new life and even found him a job as a delivery driver for a futuristic food delivery service. As Tony settled into his new routine, he found himself embarking on all sorts of wacky and adventurous deliveries across the city. From delivering pizzas to aliens on Mars to bringing sushi to underwater cities, each job brought new challenges and new experiences for Tony. But it wasn't all fun and games in this future world. Tony soon realized that there were darker forces at play, with rival delivery services vying for control of the city and shady figures lurking in the shadows. As he navigated through these dangerous situations, Tony found himself relying on his newfound friends and allies to help him survive. Despite the chaos and danger that surrounded him, Tony couldn't help but feel grateful for the strange turn of events that had brought him here. He had found a new purpose, new friends, and a new lease on life in this bizarre and fantastic future world. As he continued his deliveries and embraced his new life, Tony couldn't shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, this accidental freezing had been the best thing that ever happened to him. And as he looked out at the glittering cityscape before him, Tony knew that the future held endless possibilities for him to explore and discover.