High School Detective

Imagine an anime high school detective character. This character should be donned in their school uniform that perfectly fits the role of a detective: a crisp white shirt, a neat navy blue blazer with a badge on the chest, and a matching plaid skirt or trousers. They showcase a keen gaze and a sharp mind, their accessories include a magnifying glass and a detective's notebook. Their trusty school bag is slung over their shoulders, containing everything they might need to solve a mystery. The backdrop should be a typical high school setting with lockers.

Imagine an anime high school detective character. This character should be donned in their school uniform that perfectly fits the role of a detective: a crisp white shirt, a neat navy blue blazer with a badge on the chest, and a matching plaid skirt or trousers. They showcase a keen gaze and a sharp mind, their accessories include a magnifying glass and a detective's notebook. Their trusty school bag is slung over their shoulders, containing everything they might need to solve a mystery. The backdrop should be a typical high school setting with lockers.

High School Detective

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