Shavonki Kurosawa he is a tall tand skin teenage boy with  dreads with purple eyes and wears a dark jacket (background) shavonki Kurosawa is a boy who came from a dark background with his father being the king of the dark allegiance. The dark allegiance is a clan of dark entities and demons that are ruthless and take out any clan that stands in their way shavonki has a brother,sister and a mother. Shavonki is the prince of the dark allegiance and was set to be the king once his father died but shavonki didn’t want to be a part of the kingdom he didn’t like the way his people acted and killed other innocent clans and kingdoms. His father felt betrayed and banished him from the kingdom and left to die but the plushuagga clan found him on the brink of death and revived him now he is a member of the plushuagga clan and fights evil with his friends

Shavonki Kurosawa he is a tall tand skin teenage boy with dreads with purple eyes and wears a dark jacket (background) shavonki Kurosawa is a boy who came from a dark background with his father being the king of the dark allegiance. The dark allegiance is a clan of dark entities and demons that are ruthless and take out any clan that stands in their way shavonki has a brother,sister and a mother. Shavonki is the prince of the dark allegiance and was set to be the king once his father died but shavonki didn’t want to be a part of the kingdom he didn’t like the way his people acted and killed other innocent clans and kingdoms. His father felt betrayed and banished him from the kingdom and left to die but the plushuagga clan found him on the brink of death and revived him now he is a member of the plushuagga clan and fights evil with his friends

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