School boy

An anime art of a school boy who's wearing a typical Japanese school uniform. The boy has bright eyes, an earnest expression and short tufts of hair. His uniform has a navy-blue blazer, crisp white shirt underneath, and a red tie. He's carrying a black leather school bag over his shoulder. His posture is upright and there's an air of determination about him. The background is a bustling school hallway filled with students.

An anime art of a school boy who's wearing a typical Japanese school uniform. The boy has bright eyes, an earnest expression and short tufts of hair. His uniform has a navy-blue blazer, crisp white shirt underneath, and a red tie. He's carrying a black leather school bag over his shoulder. His posture is upright and there's an air of determination about him. The background is a bustling school hallway filled with students.

School boy

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