Thor, hulk, shield, infinity gauntlet 

A detailed tattoo design envelops the human body, drawing upon an array of symbols and figures inspired by ancient mythology and legendary artifacts. It features a mighty hammer attributed to a Norse god, a colossal green giant known for his imposing strength, a protective shield reflecting craftsmanship and resilience, and an ornate gauntlet adorned with infinite symbol, all rendered in the style of the Renaissance. Light and shadow, typical of Renaissance painting, emphasize the depth and dynamism of the design.

A detailed tattoo design envelops the human body, drawing upon an array of symbols and figures inspired by ancient mythology and legendary artifacts. It features a mighty hammer attributed to a Norse god, a colossal green giant known for his imposing strength, a protective shield reflecting craftsmanship and resilience, and an ornate gauntlet adorned with infinite symbol, all rendered in the style of the Renaissance. Light and shadow, typical of Renaissance painting, emphasize the depth and dynamism of the design.

Thor, hulk, shield, infinity gauntlet

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