A pixelated dinosaur park with a variety of dinosaurs.

A vibrant pixel art landscape representing a busy dinosaur park. A copious variety of dinosaurs intermingling in their respective habitats, showcasing their diverse sizes, colours, and types. A colossal T-Rex looming in a fenced area with dense foliage, a graceful Diplodocus near a crystal-clear lake, and numerous small velociraptors playfully roaming around. Make sure the background includes lofty pixelated mountains rendering an aura of prehistoric wilderness.

A vibrant pixel art landscape representing a busy dinosaur park. A copious variety of dinosaurs intermingling in their respective habitats, showcasing their diverse sizes, colours, and types. A colossal T-Rex looming in a fenced area with dense foliage, a graceful Diplodocus near a crystal-clear lake, and numerous small velociraptors playfully roaming around. Make sure the background includes lofty pixelated mountains rendering an aura of prehistoric wilderness.

A pixelated dinosaur park with a variety of dinosaurs.

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