A 1x1 foot square of polished silicon wafer, mounted in a robust frame with a built-in scanning electron microscope. To the naked eye, the wafer appears to be a blank, mirror-like surface. However, when viewed through the microscope display, viewers discover an intricate garden of sculptures, each no larger than a few micrometers. The nanosculptures, created using advanced semiconductor fabrication techniques, depict a variety of subjects: famous landmarks, mythical creatures, portraits of historical figures, and abstract forms. Viewers can use controls to zoom in and out, exploring this hidden world of miniature art.

A 1x1 foot square of polished silicon wafer, mounted in a robust frame with a built-in scanning electron microscope. To the naked eye, the wafer appears to be a blank, mirror-like surface. However, when viewed through the microscope display, viewers discover an intricate garden of sculptures, each no larger than a few micrometers. The nanosculptures, created using advanced semiconductor fabrication techniques, depict a variety of subjects: famous landmarks, mythical creatures, portraits of historical figures, and abstract forms. Viewers can use controls to zoom in and out, exploring this hidden world of miniature art.

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