This multimedia piece combines sound, light, and tactile elements to create a synesthetic experience. A grand piano stands in the center of the room, its lid removed to expose the strings. Each string is connected to a thin, flexible LED strip. As an AI-driven program plays the piano, each note triggers not only sound but also a corresponding light pattern and vibration. The light shoots up from the piano strings to the ceiling, where it disperses across a dome covered in a reflective surface, creating an ever-changing auroral display. Surrounding the piano are tactile pads that vibrate in response to different frequencies, allowing viewers to "feel" the music. The result is a multi-sensory interpretation of classical musical pieces.

This multimedia piece combines sound, light, and tactile elements to create a synesthetic experience. A grand piano stands in the center of the room, its lid removed to expose the strings. Each string is connected to a thin, flexible LED strip. As an AI-driven program plays the piano, each note triggers not only sound but also a corresponding light pattern and vibration. The light shoots up from the piano strings to the ceiling, where it disperses across a dome covered in a reflective surface, creating an ever-changing auroral display. Surrounding the piano are tactile pads that vibrate in response to different frequencies, allowing viewers to "feel" the music. The result is a multi-sensory interpretation of classical musical pieces.

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