A mixed media piece on a circular canvas, 5 feet in diameter. The artwork is divided into hundreds of small, irregular shapes, like shards of broken glass. Each shard contains a different memory or moment, painted in various styles from photorealism to impressionism. The images include childhood scenes, cityscapes, natural vistas, and intimate portraits. The color palette shifts gradually from warm sepia tones in the center to cool blues and purples at the edges. Gold leaf is used to outline each shard, creating a shimmering network that holds the fractured images together. Upon closer inspection, tiny written words and dates can be seen hidden within the details of each memory fragment.

A mixed media piece on a circular canvas, 5 feet in diameter. The artwork is divided into hundreds of small, irregular shapes, like shards of broken glass. Each shard contains a different memory or moment, painted in various styles from photorealism to impressionism. The images include childhood scenes, cityscapes, natural vistas, and intimate portraits. The color palette shifts gradually from warm sepia tones in the center to cool blues and purples at the edges. Gold leaf is used to outline each shard, creating a shimmering network that holds the fractured images together. Upon closer inspection, tiny written words and dates can be seen hidden within the details of each memory fragment.

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