Worker twenty two glanced at her work bored out of her mind as James (her boss ) stared through his mask at her they where in a simulation he had created he hadn’t wanted to stay in it this long he just wanted to hear her sing again she looked so sad and lonely in her mind she blacked out then the day started over but reall he knocked her out and brought her to a pod where she remembered him and they talked and he tried to get her to sing then he knocked her out again and the day started out he brought in another real person to be her friend named Julie

Worker twenty two glanced at her work bored out of her mind as James (her boss ) stared through his mask at her they where in a simulation he had created he hadn’t wanted to stay in it this long he just wanted to hear her sing again she looked so sad and lonely in her mind she blacked out then the day started over but reall he knocked her out and brought her to a pod where she remembered him and they talked and he tried to get her to sing then he knocked her out again and the day started out he brought in another real person to be her friend named Julie

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