Pixel art of a magical wizard’s tower with animated spell effects.

Create pixel art of a magical wizard's tower with animated spell effects. Include features indicative of a 'cutecore' aesthetic such as soft colours, rounded shapes and a generally cute and cozy atmosphere. The tower should be tall and impressive, filled with enchanting items. Falling stars, sparkles and floating spellbooks animated around the tower would add to the magical ambience. Use a pastel colour palette for the overall appearance. Remember to maintain the pixelated essence throughout the image to keep the pixel art style.

Create pixel art of a magical wizard's tower with animated spell effects. Include features indicative of a 'cutecore' aesthetic such as soft colours, rounded shapes and a generally cute and cozy atmosphere. The tower should be tall and impressive, filled with enchanting items. Falling stars, sparkles and floating spellbooks animated around the tower would add to the magical ambience. Use a pastel colour palette for the overall appearance. Remember to maintain the pixelated essence throughout the image to keep the pixel art style.

Pixel art of a magical wizard’s tower with animated spell effects.

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