Malay indian chinese holding malaysia flag at merdeka parade

A vivid depiction in pixel art format, showcasing a multiethnic gathering of individuals representing Malaysia's diverse population. Visualize a Malay woman, an Indian man and a Chinese child proudly holding the Malaysian flag at a national celebration known as the Merdeka Parade. They are dressed in colorful traditional attire, embodying the unity in Malaysia's cultural spectrum. The parade is bustling with activity, with balloons, confetti, and enthusiastic crowd. Please present a birds-eye view thus capturing the tricolor flag of Malaysia fluttering in unity amidst the parade.

A vivid depiction in pixel art format, showcasing a multiethnic gathering of individuals representing Malaysia's diverse population. Visualize a Malay woman, an Indian man and a Chinese child proudly holding the Malaysian flag at a national celebration known as the Merdeka Parade. They are dressed in colorful traditional attire, embodying the unity in Malaysia's cultural spectrum. The parade is bustling with activity, with balloons, confetti, and enthusiastic crowd. Please present a birds-eye view thus capturing the tricolor flag of Malaysia fluttering in unity amidst the parade.

Malay indian chinese holding malaysia flag at merdeka parade

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