
Create pixel art style image showcasing a scene from a generic, non-copyrighted anime, featuring a shōnen-style main character with spiky black hair and blue eyes, along with a young female character with long, flowing purple hair and green eyes. Surround them with a bustling cityscape of neon signs and towering skyscrapers in the background, with a sprinkle of cherry blossom petals falling from the sky, enhancing the dreamy atmosphere.

Create pixel art style image showcasing a scene from a generic, non-copyrighted anime, featuring a shōnen-style main character with spiky black hair and blue eyes, along with a young female character with long, flowing purple hair and green eyes. Surround them with a bustling cityscape of neon signs and towering skyscrapers in the background, with a sprinkle of cherry blossom petals falling from the sky, enhancing the dreamy atmosphere.


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