As a young boy, Wes was always fascinated by the colorful lights and thrilling rides of the carnival. He held his father's hand tightly as they walked through the bustling crowd, his eyes wide with wonder at the sights and sounds around him.  Stopping in front of a small tent, Wes's mother pointed to a sign that read "Fortune Teller." Intrigued, Wes begged his parents to let him have his fortune told. With a smile, they agreed and entered the dimly lit tent.  The fortune teller, a mysterious woman with piercing eyes, beckoned Wes forward. She took his small hand in hers and closed her eyes, muttering incantations under her breath. After a few moments, she opened her eyes and looked directly at Wes.  "You, young one, are destined for great things," she said in a hushed voice. "But be warned, your path will be intertwined with that of a girl out of time. A love that transcends the ages will blossom between you, but it will be tested by the forces of darkness."  Wes's parents exchanged a puzzled look, unsure of what to make of the fortune teller's words. But Wes couldn't shake the feeling that there was something significant about her prophecy.  Years later, as Wes found himself caught up in the battle against evil as the Red Time Force Ranger, he remembered the fortune teller's words. And when he met Jen, a fierce and determined warrior from the future, he couldn't help but wonder if she was the girl out of time that the fortune teller had spoken of.  As their bond grew stronger and their feelings for each other deepened, Wes knew that their love was indeed destined to withstand the test of time. And he was grateful for the fortune teller's prediction, for it had brought him the greatest love he had ever known.

As a young boy, Wes was always fascinated by the colorful lights and thrilling rides of the carnival. He held his father's hand tightly as they walked through the bustling crowd, his eyes wide with wonder at the sights and sounds around him. Stopping in front of a small tent, Wes's mother pointed to a sign that read "Fortune Teller." Intrigued, Wes begged his parents to let him have his fortune told. With a smile, they agreed and entered the dimly lit tent. The fortune teller, a mysterious woman with piercing eyes, beckoned Wes forward. She took his small hand in hers and closed her eyes, muttering incantations under her breath. After a few moments, she opened her eyes and looked directly at Wes. "You, young one, are destined for great things," she said in a hushed voice. "But be warned, your path will be intertwined with that of a girl out of time. A love that transcends the ages will blossom between you, but it will be tested by the forces of darkness." Wes's parents exchanged a puzzled look, unsure of what to make of the fortune teller's words. But Wes couldn't shake the feeling that there was something significant about her prophecy. Years later, as Wes found himself caught up in the battle against evil as the Red Time Force Ranger, he remembered the fortune teller's words. And when he met Jen, a fierce and determined warrior from the future, he couldn't help but wonder if she was the girl out of time that the fortune teller had spoken of. As their bond grew stronger and their feelings for each other deepened, Wes knew that their love was indeed destined to withstand the test of time. And he was grateful for the fortune teller's prediction, for it had brought him the greatest love he had ever known.

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