Humanoid tigress with no hair, wearing a karate gi, training in traditional dojo with a male human.

Give the illustration of a tigress in her humanoid form. She has no hair, and is wearing a karate gi. She is busy training in a traditional dojo. Alongside her, a male human, perhaps of South Asian descent, is also engaged in the training. Both of them are in the middle of their motions, displaying their karate skills. This scene is imagined in manga style, with traditional comic book elements like exaggerated reactions and speed lines.

Give the illustration of a tigress in her humanoid form. She has no hair, and is wearing a karate gi. She is busy training in a traditional dojo. Alongside her, a male human, perhaps of South Asian descent, is also engaged in the training. Both of them are in the middle of their motions, displaying their karate skills. This scene is imagined in manga style, with traditional comic book elements like exaggerated reactions and speed lines.

Humanoid tigress with no hair, wearing a karate gi, training in traditional dojo with a male human.

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