Two giant DNA-like helixes, each 20 feet tall, stand at opposite ends of a large room. The helixes are made of thousands of small, mirrored cubes suspended on nearly invisible wires. Each cube is actually a tiny screen displaying ever-changing patterns of light. The patterns on one helix instantaneously affect the patterns on the other, mimicking quantum entanglement. Viewers can interact with touch panels near each helix, introducing new patterns and watching as they propagate across both structures. The room is dark except for the light from the helixes, and a low, pulsing ambient sound fills the space, changing in response to the visual patterns.

Two giant DNA-like helixes, each 20 feet tall, stand at opposite ends of a large room. The helixes are made of thousands of small, mirrored cubes suspended on nearly invisible wires. Each cube is actually a tiny screen displaying ever-changing patterns of light. The patterns on one helix instantaneously affect the patterns on the other, mimicking quantum entanglement. Viewers can interact with touch panels near each helix, introducing new patterns and watching as they propagate across both structures. The room is dark except for the light from the helixes, and a low, pulsing ambient sound fills the space, changing in response to the visual patterns.

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