A blind and Visually impared teenage girl of age 16 named Liebe, who escapes from an abusive juvenile group home in Munech, Germany, she goes to live with her kind, over endulgent, easy going, and caring father named Schindler at his enormous mansion, then, upon receiving a cute guide dog in the breed of a Bichon Frisé, and upon trying on her new dirndal, she and her new guide dog named Liebe attend their first ever Oktoberfest, and the group home gets shut down, while all the staff serve jail time, pending charges of physical, verbal, and emotional abuse.

A blind and Visually impared teenage girl of age 16 named Liebe, who escapes from an abusive juvenile group home in Munech, Germany, she goes to live with her kind, over endulgent, easy going, and caring father named Schindler at his enormous mansion, then, upon receiving a cute guide dog in the breed of a Bichon Frisé, and upon trying on her new dirndal, she and her new guide dog named Liebe attend their first ever Oktoberfest, and the group home gets shut down, while all the staff serve jail time, pending charges of physical, verbal, and emotional abuse.

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