A 360-degree immersive installation housed in a small, geodesic dome. The inner surface of the dome serves as a projection screen for an abstract visual representation of a musical composition. As the music plays, colors, shapes, and patterns flow across the dome in perfect synchronization with the audio. The visuals are not just timed to the music but are direct representations of different audio aspects: pitch is represented by color, volume by size, and rhythm by movement patterns. Viewers lie on the floor of the dome, completely surrounded by this synesthetic interpretation of sound, experiencing the music in a new, visual dimension.

A 360-degree immersive installation housed in a small, geodesic dome. The inner surface of the dome serves as a projection screen for an abstract visual representation of a musical composition. As the music plays, colors, shapes, and patterns flow across the dome in perfect synchronization with the audio. The visuals are not just timed to the music but are direct representations of different audio aspects: pitch is represented by color, volume by size, and rhythm by movement patterns. Viewers lie on the floor of the dome, completely surrounded by this synesthetic interpretation of sound, experiencing the music in a new, visual dimension.

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