Karate female anthropomorph Tiger, training in traditional dojo 

Visualize an anthropomorphic female tiger practicing karate in a traditionally designed dojo. She should embody the aesthetics of typical anime characters, with characteristics such as exaggerated facial features and bright, large eyes. The scene should reflect the unique patterns and elaborate details associated with traditional manga, featuring examples of surreal body shapes, dynamic poses, and highly detailed backgrounds. Please refrain from replicating the style of any specific artist or studio active after 1912.

Visualize an anthropomorphic female tiger practicing karate in a traditionally designed dojo. She should embody the aesthetics of typical anime characters, with characteristics such as exaggerated facial features and bright, large eyes. The scene should reflect the unique patterns and elaborate details associated with traditional manga, featuring examples of surreal body shapes, dynamic poses, and highly detailed backgrounds. Please refrain from replicating the style of any specific artist or studio active after 1912.

Karate female anthropomorph Tiger, training in traditional dojo

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