A large oil painting, 6x8 feet, depicts a human face in the style of analytical cubism, but with a temporal twist. The face is fractured into hundreds of geometric shapes, each representing a different moment in the subject's life. In one triangle, we see a baby's eye; in a nearby rectangle, the wrinkled hand of an elderly person. The color palette shifts as the eye moves across the canvas, from the soft pastels of youth to the richer, deeper tones of adulthood, to the muted shades of old age. Gold leaf is used sparingly throughout, catching the light and drawing attention to key moments. Despite the fragmentation, the overall shape of the face is discernible, creating a cohesive lifetime portrait.

A large oil painting, 6x8 feet, depicts a human face in the style of analytical cubism, but with a temporal twist. The face is fractured into hundreds of geometric shapes, each representing a different moment in the subject's life. In one triangle, we see a baby's eye; in a nearby rectangle, the wrinkled hand of an elderly person. The color palette shifts as the eye moves across the canvas, from the soft pastels of youth to the richer, deeper tones of adulthood, to the muted shades of old age. Gold leaf is used sparingly throughout, catching the light and drawing attention to key moments. Despite the fragmentation, the overall shape of the face is discernible, creating a cohesive lifetime portrait.

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