A curved wall, 30 feet long and 10 feet high, covered entirely in thousands of small, paper-thin speakers. Each speaker plays a different whispered word or phrase, creating a cacophony of barely audible sounds. As viewers approach the wall, proximity sensors cause nearby speakers to increase in volume, allowing snippets of coherent sentences to emerge from the noise. The words and phrases are drawn from a vast database of human knowledge, covering topics from science and philosophy to poetry and pop culture. The overall effect is like listening to the collective murmur of human consciousness.

A curved wall, 30 feet long and 10 feet high, covered entirely in thousands of small, paper-thin speakers. Each speaker plays a different whispered word or phrase, creating a cacophony of barely audible sounds. As viewers approach the wall, proximity sensors cause nearby speakers to increase in volume, allowing snippets of coherent sentences to emerge from the noise. The words and phrases are drawn from a vast database of human knowledge, covering topics from science and philosophy to poetry and pop culture. The overall effect is like listening to the collective murmur of human consciousness.

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