A pixel fairy tale castle with a dragon circling around it.

Create an image in a pixel art style illustrating a fairy tale scene. The central focus is a grand castle constructed from pastel-colored pixels. The castle is tall and majestic, featuring a variety of towers with gently curving spires. Surrounding this picturesque castle is a formidable dragon, also constructed from pastel pixels. It is depicted in mid-flight, circling around the fortress in a protective or possibly threatening manner. It emits a sense of awe and dominance in this fantastical scene.

Create an image in a pixel art style illustrating a fairy tale scene. The central focus is a grand castle constructed from pastel-colored pixels. The castle is tall and majestic, featuring a variety of towers with gently curving spires. Surrounding this picturesque castle is a formidable dragon, also constructed from pastel pixels. It is depicted in mid-flight, circling around the fortress in a protective or possibly threatening manner. It emits a sense of awe and dominance in this fantastical scene.

A pixel fairy tale castle with a dragon circling around it.

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