An enormous bookshelf, 50 feet wide and reaching from floor to ceiling, filled with thousands of identical, leather-bound books. Each book contains 410 pages of seemingly random letters. However, hidden within this chaos are coherent passages - anything from famous quotations to entire sonnets. Visitors are invited to pull out books and flip through them. When a coherent passage is found and the book is placed on a special pedestal, the relevant page is projected onto a large screen on the opposite wall. The installation is a physical representation of Jorge Luis Borges' concept of an infinite library containing every possible combination of letters.

An enormous bookshelf, 50 feet wide and reaching from floor to ceiling, filled with thousands of identical, leather-bound books. Each book contains 410 pages of seemingly random letters. However, hidden within this chaos are coherent passages - anything from famous quotations to entire sonnets. Visitors are invited to pull out books and flip through them. When a coherent passage is found and the book is placed on a special pedestal, the relevant page is projected onto a large screen on the opposite wall. The installation is a physical representation of Jorge Luis Borges' concept of an infinite library containing every possible combination of letters.

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