Toshi shinjitsu, a young and curious individual who becomes entangled in a world of urban legends and supernatural encounters. As Kaito delves deeper into the mysteries, he discovers a hidden society of beings known as the Nunnehi, who possess unique powers and knowledge of these legends.  With his best friend Hikari Minamoto an outgoing and adventurous young man, Kaito and hikari embarks on a quest to uncover the truth behind the urban legends and protect the balance between the human world and the realm of myths. Along the way, they encounter various legendary creatures.   As Kaito and Hikari navigate through treacherous battles and unravel the secrets of the urban legends, they form unexpected alliances, including an unlikely friendship with Bigfoot. Together, they must confront their own fears, face formidable adversaries, and ultimately save both worlds from the impending chaos unleashed by the nunnehi.

Toshi shinjitsu, a young and curious individual who becomes entangled in a world of urban legends and supernatural encounters. As Kaito delves deeper into the mysteries, he discovers a hidden society of beings known as the Nunnehi, who possess unique powers and knowledge of these legends. With his best friend Hikari Minamoto an outgoing and adventurous young man, Kaito and hikari embarks on a quest to uncover the truth behind the urban legends and protect the balance between the human world and the realm of myths. Along the way, they encounter various legendary creatures. As Kaito and Hikari navigate through treacherous battles and unravel the secrets of the urban legends, they form unexpected alliances, including an unlikely friendship with Bigfoot. Together, they must confront their own fears, face formidable adversaries, and ultimately save both worlds from the impending chaos unleashed by the nunnehi.

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