A tarot card portrait of Pierrot the beautiful sad clown and the tarot’s framed is decorated with celestial elements 

Generate a detailed image of a character inspired by Pierrot, the beautiful, melancholic clown often depicted in theaters. The character should be illustrated in a stylized, exaggerated manner, reminiscent of the Japanese animation tradition. This character is to be captured in a tarot card format, surrounded by a unique frame adorned with star, moon, and other celestial motifs. There should be absolutely no text present anywhere in the image.

Generate a detailed image of a character inspired by Pierrot, the beautiful, melancholic clown often depicted in theaters. The character should be illustrated in a stylized, exaggerated manner, reminiscent of the Japanese animation tradition. This character is to be captured in a tarot card format, surrounded by a unique frame adorned with star, moon, and other celestial motifs. There should be absolutely no text present anywhere in the image.

A tarot card portrait of Pierrot the beautiful sad clown and the tarot’s framed is decorated with celestial elements

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