As she wove her way through the black market she sighed she was only sixteen but in a place like this Peale always picked fights with her she had a deal with the most notorious man in the city but he wouldn’t hire her if he knew her age so she wore her black mask and cloak to disguise herself as she entered the building she felt something sharp being pressed into her arm she became dizzy and fell asleep when she woke up she was in a dark room strapped to a table with a pounding headache

As she wove her way through the black market she sighed she was only sixteen but in a place like this Peale always picked fights with her she had a deal with the most notorious man in the city but he wouldn’t hire her if he knew her age so she wore her black mask and cloak to disguise herself as she entered the building she felt something sharp being pressed into her arm she became dizzy and fell asleep when she woke up she was in a dark room strapped to a table with a pounding headache

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