This sculpture stands 20 feet tall and occupies a circular space 15 feet in diameter. Thousands of thin, transparent acrylic rods rise from the floor, each illuminated from within by LED lights. The rods branch and interconnect, mimicking the structure of neurons in the brain. The LEDs pulse in complex patterns, creating waves of light that flow through the structure like electrical impulses. Viewers can walk through the forest of rods, triggering proximity sensors that cause nearby "neurons" to light up in response. The sculpture is accompanied by a subtle soundscape of soft clicks and hums, synchronized with the light pulses, creating a fully immersive experience of being inside a living, thinking brain.

This sculpture stands 20 feet tall and occupies a circular space 15 feet in diameter. Thousands of thin, transparent acrylic rods rise from the floor, each illuminated from within by LED lights. The rods branch and interconnect, mimicking the structure of neurons in the brain. The LEDs pulse in complex patterns, creating waves of light that flow through the structure like electrical impulses. Viewers can walk through the forest of rods, triggering proximity sensors that cause nearby "neurons" to light up in response. The sculpture is accompanied by a subtle soundscape of soft clicks and hums, synchronized with the light pulses, creating a fully immersive experience of being inside a living, thinking brain.

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