Portrait of a drunk robot facing forward in black and white 1 bit

Generate a detailed pixel art representation of a robot. Please depict it facing forward and exhibit signs of robotic intoxication such as uneven lights or slanted antennas. It's important that the robot appears whimsical and funny, rather than sad or broken. The design should be in striking black and white 1-bit color depth, creating a vintage computer graphic feel. To emphasize the nostalgic influence, structure it similar to the 1980s game character graphics.

Generate a detailed pixel art representation of a robot. Please depict it facing forward and exhibit signs of robotic intoxication such as uneven lights or slanted antennas. It's important that the robot appears whimsical and funny, rather than sad or broken. The design should be in striking black and white 1-bit color depth, creating a vintage computer graphic feel. To emphasize the nostalgic influence, structure it similar to the 1980s game character graphics.

Portrait of a drunk robot facing forward in black and white 1 bit

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