A hyper-realistic acrylic painting on a 4x6 foot canvas. The scene depicts a futuristic cityscape where nature has reclaimed the urban environment. Towering skyscrapers of glass and steel are almost entirely covered in lush vegetation. Vines snake up the buildings, while trees burst through windows and rooftops. The foreground shows a cracked and overgrown street, with a crystal-clear stream running through it, teeming with colorful fish. Exotic flowers bloom from every crevice, their vibrant petals contrasting with the gray concrete. In the distance, a flock of iridescent birds flies between the green-covered towers. The sky above is a brilliant blue, with wispy clouds and a double rainbow arching over the scene.

A hyper-realistic acrylic painting on a 4x6 foot canvas. The scene depicts a futuristic cityscape where nature has reclaimed the urban environment. Towering skyscrapers of glass and steel are almost entirely covered in lush vegetation. Vines snake up the buildings, while trees burst through windows and rooftops. The foreground shows a cracked and overgrown street, with a crystal-clear stream running through it, teeming with colorful fish. Exotic flowers bloom from every crevice, their vibrant petals contrasting with the gray concrete. In the distance, a flock of iridescent birds flies between the green-covered towers. The sky above is a brilliant blue, with wispy clouds and a double rainbow arching over the scene.

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