A tarot card portrait of Pierrot and sad clown with celestial elements and poison mushroom motifs

Generate a detailed image depicting a character reminiscent of a Pierrot, a traditional teardrop-adorned sad clown, entwined with elements of the cosmos like stars, moons, and constellations. Integrate motifs of poisonous mushrooms throughout the image to add an extra layer of symbolism. The overall design should resemble the flowing, decorative lines and naturalistic forms characteristic of the Art Nouveau era. This illustration takes inspiration from antique tarot cards but should not contain any text.

Generate a detailed image depicting a character reminiscent of a Pierrot, a traditional teardrop-adorned sad clown, entwined with elements of the cosmos like stars, moons, and constellations. Integrate motifs of poisonous mushrooms throughout the image to add an extra layer of symbolism. The overall design should resemble the flowing, decorative lines and naturalistic forms characteristic of the Art Nouveau era. This illustration takes inspiration from antique tarot cards but should not contain any text.

A tarot card portrait of Pierrot and sad clown with celestial elements and poison mushroom motifs

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