Beholder fighting a DND squad of 4 

An image depicting a classic confrontation between epic fantasy characters and a large, spherical, eye-covered entity in a cave setting. This mythical entity, renowned in mythology, is levitating, with numerous eye-tipped stalks emerging from it. The squad confronting it comprises of a Caucasian female elf archer, Black male dwarf warrior, Middle-Eastern female mage, and South Asian male rogue. They are standing in a formation with their weapons ready. The characters are garbed in traditional fantasy attire. The ambiance is tense and dramatic, resonating with the essence of fantasy art.

An image depicting a classic confrontation between epic fantasy characters and a large, spherical, eye-covered entity in a cave setting. This mythical entity, renowned in mythology, is levitating, with numerous eye-tipped stalks emerging from it. The squad confronting it comprises of a Caucasian female elf archer, Black male dwarf warrior, Middle-Eastern female mage, and South Asian male rogue. They are standing in a formation with their weapons ready. The characters are garbed in traditional fantasy attire. The ambiance is tense and dramatic, resonating with the essence of fantasy art.

Beholder fighting a DND squad of 4

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