Longhair young boy, darkness sorcerer 

Consider an image of a young boy with long hair in a pixel art style. The boy is a sorcerer, enveloped by an aura of darkness around him, invoking an effect reminiscent of a manga. He is garbed in a mystical cloak with a hood, arcane symbols stitched into the fabric. His eyes glow with an uncanny light, reflecting his magical prowess. Amidst the dark ambiance, his hand holds a staff, its top shimmering with mystical energy. With an intense look on his face, he seems ready to perform a spell or manipulation of the arcane arts.

Consider an image of a young boy with long hair in a pixel art style. The boy is a sorcerer, enveloped by an aura of darkness around him, invoking an effect reminiscent of a manga. He is garbed in a mystical cloak with a hood, arcane symbols stitched into the fabric. His eyes glow with an uncanny light, reflecting his magical prowess. Amidst the dark ambiance, his hand holds a staff, its top shimmering with mystical energy. With an intense look on his face, he seems ready to perform a spell or manipulation of the arcane arts.

Longhair young boy, darkness sorcerer

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