A digital artwork printed on a 10x10 foot aluminum panel. The piece centers around an enormous butterfly, its wings spread to fill the entire frame. The left wing is composed of intricate clockwork mechanisms, gears, and cogs, all rendered in metallic golds and bronzes. The right wing is a swirling vortex of quantum particles, subatomic structures, and wave functions, depicted in electric blues and purples. The butterfly's body seamlessly blends the two sides, symbolizing the bridge between classical and quantum physics. In the background, mathematical equations and scientific formulas float ethereally, while fractal patterns emerge and dissolve. The longer one looks at the piece, the more hidden details become apparent, from tiny scenes playing out within the gears to microscopic universes within the quantum wing.

A digital artwork printed on a 10x10 foot aluminum panel. The piece centers around an enormous butterfly, its wings spread to fill the entire frame. The left wing is composed of intricate clockwork mechanisms, gears, and cogs, all rendered in metallic golds and bronzes. The right wing is a swirling vortex of quantum particles, subatomic structures, and wave functions, depicted in electric blues and purples. The butterfly's body seamlessly blends the two sides, symbolizing the bridge between classical and quantum physics. In the background, mathematical equations and scientific formulas float ethereally, while fractal patterns emerge and dissolve. The longer one looks at the piece, the more hidden details become apparent, from tiny scenes playing out within the gears to microscopic universes within the quantum wing.

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